Noemi Conan

Painter and Migrant from Poland. 


Noemi Conan

Painter and Migrant from Poland.


For details and prices- contact Traits Libres Gallery, Paris

Charles Baudelaire
My Former Life

For a long time I dwelt under vast porticos
Which the ocean suns lit with a thousand colors,
The pillars of which, tall, straight, and majestic,
Made them, in the evening, like basaltic grottos.

The billows which cradled the image of the sky
Mingled, in a solemn, mystical way,
The omnipotent chords of their rich harmonies
With the sunsets' colors reflected in my eyes;

It was there that I lived in voluptuous calm,
In splendor, between the azure and the sea,
And I was attended by slaves, naked, perfumed,

Who fanned my brow with fronds of palms
And whose sole task it was to fathom
The dolorous secret that made me pine away.

— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)

Or in my case, I was fanned, fed and festooned with hand made outfits by my mother and grandmother in a post-German town in South Western Poland in the 90’s. A transitory state where the women in my life were doing everything in their might to mitigate and compensate for any faults of the past, the present and the potential future.