Noemi Conan

Painter and Migrant from Poland. 


Noemi Conan

Painter and Migrant from Poland.


Wednesday, 12th of March, 2025

Slowly preparing myself for the anicipated show of my big girl drawings with Traits Libres at Drawing Now Paris.

Drawing has been slightly taking over in my studio ramblings recently and I am glad that I will have a chance to show my most recent larfe pieces in France. I find that paper allows me a level of intimacy that is hard to find between the paintbrush and canvas, regardless of how smooth and fine the weave is. Nothing quite allows the hand to glide over as a crisp white piece of paper. Now, having sent off these lovely pieces, which finally utilised my stored since the Drawing Year of 2022 roll of Fabrianno paper which moved through three studios with me, I have found a new paper love to start a new large painting drawing series. Thank goodness for the wonderful skips of London, and maybe unfortunate lives of other creative sorts, I have come in posesion of a full roll of splendid and luxurious photo paper which is like nothing I have worked with before. The satin sheets of drawing. I will keep thee posted on what that will bring, but I am tingling with excitement. 

Tuesday, 4th of March, 2025

Today is the pv for Art on a Postcard. My second time donating work and this time in celebration of International Women’s Day. How very communist of me, I am tempted to buy myself a pair of new tights and a bunch of red carnation to mark this occasion. I must admit to a bit of stage fright every time there is an opening, even though obviously in a massive group show for charity I will be playing third of seventh fiddle, way behind the illustrious curators and the more recognisable artists contributing their works on this occasion. 

I must also apologise for he lackluster running if this blog. Slade MFA is taking up so much brain space that I have been lagging behind any form of self- promotion, neglecting website updates, instagram posts and exuding charisma in public to have existential and financial crises within the Bloomsbury campus. It sure isn’t all rainbows and glitter, even if I started using actual glitter in my work and so everything is litterally at least a bit glitter now. 

As a catch up to my most interested readers- I have been featured in the Ingram Prize and my work, The Romantic, has   even been featured on the Ingram Prize catalogue cover which is pretty nice. I wish I could say other amazing things have followed, but time is still to tell. I had a dreadful cold on the night of that opening but I still enjoyed the event and it was a pleasure to see my work alongside all the other selected artists. 

The end of 2024 also marked the end of Sarah Kravitz Gallery in Soho Square which was celebrated in style with multiple events throughout November and December, including another residecy show. The last weeks before the holidays also included an interim show for us Slade post-grads. As first-years we didn’t get to show within the school this year, but we got to make a last hurrah before Christmas with a group show hosted at Split Gallery’s Bethnal Green locale. 

On the Ingram Prize pv night with The Romantic, looking much less feverish than I felt

A memory of my previous involvement with Art On A Postcard from 2021. Oh fleating youth... also I lost that hat, but still have the scarf. 

Saturday, 12th of October 2024

Frieze week has come and is about to pass over my head with the blood curdling roar of a low flying plane. Thanks to the magic of friendship I have managed to visit the fair and have enjoyed the experience much more than ever, so I judge the entire thing a success. This is also the last week of my residency with Sarah Kravitz Gallery and I will be moving my self and my works out tomorrow, so if you wanted to drop in and see me there- catch me at the super convenient time of a Sunday in central London. My favourite time to be in Soho frankly. 
Slade is fun and I am blown away by the opportunities it provides. As I have been forcefully separated from university libraries as early as 2020 and am really loving browsing through Art books that I can’t afford to buy and store forever.

Monday, 7th of October 2024

Weekly update, part one. I am writing this premiere post in my third week of a MFA at Slade Grad Painting and in the concluding week of the Sarah Kravitz Gallery Residency at Soho Square. It is Frieze week here in London and I am looking forward to all the shows and events I will be attending and hosting. 
The Soho Square residency alongside Tommy Camerno hosted a studio exhibition event as part of Soho’s First Wednesday night last week (2nd of October, 6-9 pm), curated by Bella Bonner-Evans and open alongside the exhibition of Australian artist Nick Modrzewski. The evening was busy, bustling and boisterous and I really enjoyed all the convesations I had that night. It also allowed me to meet a group of Central and Eastern European artists who I plan on working with on acuratorial project centering art from the CEE diaspora based in London. So please- watch this space. In this upcoming week we plan to open our studio space one more time to the public as part of Frieze Lates and also spend the time documenting the work made during the past two months.